An overview of the projects that Bambuskeskus has participated in!
In the autumn of 2020, the terrace solution was completed in Tallinn, Viimsi. The material used: terrace board (1850x178x20 mm) MOSO Bamboo X-treme Decking
In the last months of 2018, the Bamboocentre was pleased to participate in the completion of the custom-made furniture for the Sports Therapy Center (Swimitation) at Tehvandi Hotel. A high-quality MOSO bamboo board was used in the production of handmade furniture.
In November 2017, a bamboo frame bicycle with high quality raw bamboo from the Bambuskeskus was completed in cooperation with TTÜ students.

In 2016, in cooperation with the Bambuskeskus, Aura Water Park completed recreation area partition divisions and a bar counter

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